Co-pilot ‘might be responsible’ for China Eastern MU5375 crash is rumor: CAAC
[Global Times]
China's civil aviation regulator, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), refuted rumors surrounding the tragic crash of China Eastern flight MU5375, saying the tragic accident is still under investigation, and no conclusions has been drawn on the cause and nature of the accident yet.
aviation: |?e?vi?e??n| “n. 航空;飞行术;飞机制造业”;
英英释义:the designing, building and flying of aircraft
e.g. Commercial aviation continues to develop even today.商用航空在今天仍有发展。
refute: |r??fju?t| “vt. 驳斥, 驳倒”;
英英释义:ato say that sth is not true or fair
e.g. It goes without saying that we have the right to refute them publicly.不用说我们有权公开驳斥他们。
Online speculation has been swirling over the co-pilot "might be responsible" for the crash, claiming the black boxes data has been disclosed, with some believing that the CAAC will require flight crews to undergo mental health monitoring.
网上对副驾驶 "可能对坠机负责 "的猜测不断涌现,很多人声称黑匣子数据已被披露,有人认为民航局将要求飞行人员接受心理健康监测。
speculation : |?spekju?le??n| “n. 推断,推测;猜测”;
英英释义:act of forming opinions about what has happened or what might happen without knowing all the facts
其它释义:n. 投机买卖,投机生意
e.g. Your speculations were all quite close to the truth.你的揣测都很接近于事实。
swirling: |sw??rl| “vi. 盘绕;打旋”;
英英释义:to move around quickly in a circle; to make sth do this
其它释义:n. 漩涡;打旋;涡状形
e.g. The water swirled about his feet. 水在他的脚下打旋。
undergo : |??nd?r?ɡo?| pl. shelves “vt. 经历,经受;忍受”;
英英释义:to experience sth, especially a change or sth unpleasant
e.g. The body undergoes many changes during puberty.身体在青春期期间会发生许多变化。
The rumors, claimed to be sourced from some public security departments, are misleading, would undermine public confidence in the ongoing investigation, and may represent a violation of the law, Wu Shijie, an official from Civil Aviation Administration of China said on Monday.
undermine: |??nd?r?ma?n| “v. 暗中破坏;逐渐削弱”;
英英释义:to make sth, especially sb's confidence or authority, gradually weaker or less effective
e.g. The President's enemies are spreading rumours to undermine his authority.总统的敌人在散布谣言以逐渐破坏他的威信。
violation : |?va???le??n| “n. 违反, 冒犯, 侵害”;
英英释义:the act of going go against or refuse to obey a law, an agreement, etc.
e.g. These violations of the code must cease forthwith.这些违犯法规的行为必须立即停止。
The crash remains under investigation, and no conclusion has been drawn on the cause and nature of the tragic accident, he noted. "We will try best to find out the cause of the accident as soon as possible and release relevant information according to the law and procedures," he said.
Wu said the crash has had an impact on the welfare of frontline civil aviation workers, and some employees have suffered from emotional strain, particularly younger workers.
welfare: |?welfer| “n. 福利;福利事业;幸福;安宁”;
英英释义:the general health, happiness and safety of a person, an animal or a group
e.g. The idea of welfare state or welfarism has a long history in Britain.福利国家在英国有长久的历史渊源。
strain : |stre?n| “n. 负担”;
英英释义:on sb/sth because they have too much to do or manage, or sth very difficult to deal with; the problems, worry or anxiety that this produces
n. 张力;拉紧;扭伤;血缘
vt. 拉紧;滥用;滤去;竭力
e.g. Only a true believer could stand the strain.只有真正的信仰者才能忍受这种紧张。
The CAAC attaches great importance to mental well-being of aviation workers, and requested that airlines take measures to support pilots, flight attendants and safety officers in managing their psychological pressure.
attach great importance to
attaches great importance to : “重视; 器重; 正视; 非常重视;”;
英英释义:a flat board, made of wood, metal, glass, etc, fixed to the wall or forming part of a cupboard/closet, bookcase, etc, for things to be placed on
e.g. We also attach great importance to sales and after sales service.我们也非常重视销售和售后服务。”
So far, this work has achieved positive results, and the industry-wide aircrew team remains stable and fully capable of ensuring aviation flight safety, said the official.
The CAAC said the airline safety management is focused on the mental state and health of all aircrew, including pilots, and it is a key function of the regulation.
The aviation industry recently held a two-week long safety review, stating that it had addressed a number of safety hazards, after the fatal crash of flight MU5375 on March 21, killing all 132 persons onboard.
hazard : |?h?z?rd| “n. 危险;公害”;
英英释义:a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage
e.g. There are many hazards in a journey across Africa. 穿越非洲的旅行有许多危险。
fatal : |?fe?tl| pl. shelves “adj. 致命的”;
英英释义:causing or ending in death
e.g. This fatal miscalculation lost them the final victory.这个致命的错误估计使他们未能夺得最后胜利。
Concrete measures should be taken to strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers concerning aircraft maintenance, flight weather conditions, personnel qualifications and technical ability, the CAAC said.
Concrete : |?kɑ??kri?t| pl. shelves “adj. 实在的,具体的”;
英英释义:based on facts, not on ideas or guesses
其它释义:n. 凝结物;具体物;vt. 用混凝土修筑;使凝固
e.g. I haven't got any concrete proof. 我没有任何确实的证据。
maintenance : |?me?nt?n?ns| “n. 维持; 维护; 保养; 维修”;
英英释义:the act of keeping sth in good condition by checking or repairing it regularly
其它释义:n. 赡养费
e.g.Over 110 maintenance personnel have been dispatched to restore electricity.110名维修人员已被派往受影响地区恢复供电。
排版、翻译、解析 / 南南子
-To be continued-
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