货源通 > 餐饮行业新闻资讯 > 实力工厂货源 > 服装实力厂家 >  高仿大牌女士衣服品牌推荐突然就卖不动了?知名大牌销量大跌,母公司股价“闪崩”!此前刚刚涨价,有热门款涨超千元|古驰|开云|奢侈品|爱马仕|巴黎世家|gucci 香奈儿正式涨价;Gucci或将在中国开启二手业务;麦当劳中国2021年将开店超500家……

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高仿大牌女士衣服品牌推荐突然就卖不动了?知名大牌销量大跌,母公司股价“闪崩”!此前刚刚涨价,有热门款涨超千元|古驰|开云|奢侈品|爱马仕|巴黎世家|gucci 香奈儿正式涨价;Gucci或将在中国开启二手业务;麦当劳中国2021年将开店超500家……

发布时间:2024-04-09 09:42:22  来源:互联网整理  浏览:   【】【】【

高仿大牌女士衣服品牌推荐突然就卖不动了?知名大牌销量大跌,母公司股价“闪崩”!此前刚刚涨价,有热门款涨超千元|古驰|开云|奢侈品|爱马仕|巴黎世家|gucci 香奈儿正式涨价;Gucci或将在中国开启二手业务;麦当劳中国2021年将开店超500家……

需要找顶级复刻奢侈类大牌潮牌服装源头货源 请加下面服装厂家微信咨询,他们是复刻奢侈衣服源头工厂,主营:顶级大牌奢侈品类男女装、潮牌朝服批发|各种电商合作招代理 一件代发|以及终端零售。


下面给大家讲解“突然就卖不动了?知名大牌销量大跌,母公司股价“闪崩”!此前刚刚涨价,有热门款涨超千元|古驰|开云|奢侈品|爱马仕|巴黎世家|gucci 香奈儿正式涨价;Gucci或将在中国开启二手业务;麦当劳中国2021年将开店超500家……”的知识,本站信息仅供大家参考哦!




突然就卖不动了?知名大牌销量大跌,母公司股价“闪崩”!此前刚刚涨价,有热门款涨超千元|古驰|开云|奢侈品|爱马仕|巴黎世家|gucci 香奈儿正式涨价;Gucci或将在中国开启二手业务;麦当劳中国2021年将开店超500家…… 









作为全球头部的奢侈品集团,古驰之外,开云集团还拥有圣罗兰(Saint Laurent)、葆蝶家(Bottega Veneta)、巴黎世家(Balenciaga)、宝诗龙(Boucheron)等一系列知名时装、皮具和珠宝品牌。不过在周婷看来,开云集团对单一品牌的依赖度太高,“成也古驰,败也古驰,其他品牌并没有强大到可以影响开云大盘的程度”。






2024年开年,古驰开启一轮强势营销。1月、2月,古驰在米兰发布了新任创作总监Sabato De Sarno打造的全新男装、女装时装秀。


古驰的上一任设计师Alessandro Michele坐镇7年多,以复古、神秘、浪漫的意大利文艺复兴风格赢得年轻消费者的青睐。极具代表性的酒神手袋、丝绒衬衫、马衔扣乐福鞋、老爹鞋成为爆款单品。

Alessandro Michele任职期间,古驰曾创下续7个季度销售额增速超过35%的“火箭速度”。在这位古驰老将手上,古驰变身为Z世代喜爱的“街头潮牌”。2015年至2019年,其销售额从亿欧元增长至亿欧元,复合增速高达36%,与百亿欧元仅有一步之遥。


然而,花无百日红,“极繁主义”美学逐渐引起审美疲劳,加上受全球经济等各方面因素影响,古驰业绩增幅开始下滑。从2020年开始,古驰的收入增长明显放缓。2023年全年,古驰的营收为亿欧元,同比下降6%。这也被外界视作Alessandro Michele与古驰分手的最重要原因。


对于Sabato De Sarno和他上任后发布的系列单品,古驰下血本给足曝光和排面。今年以来,古驰的“新人新作”出现在全球多个重要城市的一系列活动上。





3月11日至17日,新任创作总监主推的“古驰安可拉红”线下空间在上海、成都、北京和深圳的六个城市同时启幕,这是Sabato De Sarno上任以来品牌在中国规模最大的活动,也是设计师在中国的首秀之旅。


Sabato De Sarno在上海与红杉中国投资合伙人张宇的对谈中,分享了自己的“励志成长路”。他说自己19岁时存钱买了一件红色古驰的夹克,如今成为古驰的创作总监,也用安可拉红作为他的开始。


记者|杜蔚 丁舟洋

编辑|段炼 魏官红 杜波


|每日经济新闻 nbdnews 原创文章|



【包包编号:AHG8373第80期| 7月5-11日】


Projects' News



01|Bloomingdale's to open concept store in Washington

Bloomingdale's, the luxury department store, will open a concept store in Fairfax, Va., on 26 August. It will cover about 22,000 square feet with new design concepts and much more brands, including men's and women's clothing, shoes and beauty. Bloomingdale's, which is part of Macy's department portfolio, also previously opened a concept store in the Dallas area.

02|高端百货John Lewis拟开发1万套长租公寓

由于疫情下传统零售行业面临压力,英国高端百货John Lewis计划在未来10年内建造1万套住宅,通过变身房东来重振企业。

目前,John Lewis已经在其土地和房产资产组合中,挖掘出了约7000套出租房产的潜力,包括从单身公寓到4居室别墅等不同类型的房产组合。John Lewis强调,已经确定了20个可用于私人住宅房产开发的潜在地点,虽然这些地点尚未公开,同时John Lewis &还计划开发新的可用地块。

John Lewis在全英有34家百货商店,7个仓库和另外331家Waitrose超市,这些都可以成为潜在的开发选择。除了一些永久产权的商店外,John Lewis 在伦敦北郊的赫特福德郡,拥有2800英亩农场,在汉普郡的Leckford拥有另一个农场,以及四家酒店以及各种物流设施等。

02|High-end department John Lewis to develop 10,000 long-term rental apartments

British high-end department store John Lewis plans to build 10,000 apartments over the next 10 years in a bid to revive its business by turning into landlord as the traditional retail sector suffer from the pressure of COVID-19.

So far, John Lewis has tapped the potential for about 7,000 rental properties in its land and property portfolio, ranging from single-bedroom apartments to four-bedroom villas. John Lewis stressed that it had identified 20 potential sites that could be used for private residential property development, although these are not yet public, and that it also plans to develop new usable sites.

John Lewis has 34 departments, seven warehouses and another 331 Waitrose supermarkets across the UK, all of which could be considered as potential development options. In addition to its freehold stores, John Lewis has a 2,800-acre farm in Hertfordshire, a suburb north of London, and another at Leckford in Hampshire, as well as four hotels and various logistics facilities.

03|Harrods百货与时尚租赁平台My Wardrobe HQ达成合作

英国奢侈品百货Harrods日前宣布,集团已和My Wardrobe HQ达成合作,将会在百货内的快闪店和My Wardrobe HQ特别设置的Harrods空间提供租赁服务。截至目前,Harrods Rental已涵盖吸引不少品牌入驻,例如Jenny Packham、Halpern、Alexandre Vauthier、Monique Lhuillier、Victoria Beckham、Ganni、The Attico、Needle和Thread等。

03|Harrods department store and fashion rental platform my Wardrobe HQ cooperates

Harrods, a luxury department store in the UK, announced recently that the group has entered into a cooperation with My Wardrobe HQ to provide rental services in the flash stores in the department store and the Harrods space specially set by my Wardrobe HQ.

Up to now, Harrods Rental has attracted many brands, such as Jenny Packham, Halpern, Alexandre vauthier, Monique lhuillier, Victoria Beckham, Ganni, The Attico, Needle and Thread.


Brands' News


据天眼查APP显示,古驰(中国)贸易有限公司发生工商变更,经营范围新增“二手日用百货的零售”等项目,该公司成立于2006年3月,注册资本为1440万美元。值得关注的是,Gucci母公司开云集团于今年3月与美国老虎环球基金共同向二手奢侈品平台Vestiaire Collective投资了1.78亿欧元,获得5%的股份,并加入了Vestiaire Collective的董事会。

01|Gucci may open second hand business in China

According to tianyancha app, Gucci (China) Trading Co., Ltd., has undergone industrial and commercial changes, and its business scope has added "retail of second-hand general merchandise" and other projects.

The company was established in March 2006 with a registered capital of 14.4 million US dollars. It is noteworthy that in March this year, Gucci's parent company, Kering Group, together with tiger Global Fund of the United States, invested 178 million euros in the second-hand luxury platform Vestaire Collective, obtained 5% of the shares, and joined the board of directors of Vestaire Collective.


上海之禾时尚实业集团(以下简称“之禾集团”)日前宣布,旗下法国高级时装品牌Carven位于香榭丽舍大街Rond-Point 6号(6 Rond-Point des Champs Elysées)的精品店将于今年9月重新开业。

之禾集团表示,这家关闭了数十年之久的店铺曾是Carven品牌创始人 Marie-Louise Carven在1945年开设的首个高级时装屋,这次重新开业是之禾集团为复兴 Carven 品牌走出的重要一步。

02|The old Paris store of ICICLE's French brand Carven will be reopened in September

Shanghai ICICLE Fashion Industry Group (hereinafter referred to as "ICICLE") recently announced that the boutique of its French high-end fashion brand Carven, located at 6 Rond-Point des Champs Elysées, will reopen in September this year.

ICICLE said that the store, which had been closed for decades, was the first haute couture house opened in 1945 by Marie Louis Carven, the founder of Carven brand. The reopening is an important step for ICICLE to revive Carven brand.



03|Hermes lipstick series officially hits China market

According to the FashionNetwork news, the Hermes lipstick has been officially opened stores in China, offering products under the brand line and the official website and Tmall flagship store.

The products are divided into two series: matte and satin, which have 24 colors, and three other collection versions, priced between 525 yuan and 568 yuan. In addition to lipstick, Hermes also introduced lip brush, lip pencil and replacement products. It is noteworthy that the shell of the Hermes lipstick is made of lacquer, gold plated and bright metal, and the lip core can be replaced and recycled.


意大利高端珠宝品牌Pomellato于日前正式登陆天猫开设旗舰店,发售全线产品,旨在进一步抢占中国市场份额,吸引更多中国年轻消费者。阿里巴巴天猫欧洲和美国部门时尚与奢侈品主管Christina Fontana表示,高端珠宝在中国增长强劲,消费者显然希望投资于经久耐用的独特、有价值的产品,Pomellato与此需求高度契合。

04|Pomellato settled in Tmall to attract young Chinese consumers

Pommellato, an Italian high-end jewelry brand, officially landed in Tmall recently to open a flagship store and sell a full range of products, aiming to further seize China's market share and attract more young Chinese consumers.

Christina Fontana, head of fashion and luxury in Europe and the U.S. of Alibaba Tmall, said that high-end jewelry is growing strongly in China, and consumers obviously want to invest in durable, unique and valuable products. Pomellato is highly in line with this demand.




05|Louis Vuitton opens new store in Lima, Peru

Louis Vuitton has recently opened its first store in Peru, in the capital city of Lima. The new store which covers 210 sqm is located downtown, on the ground-floor of Jockey Plaza Mall. It features women’s and men’s apparel and accessories, including footwear and handbags.

The new Louis Vuitton store in Lima is operated directly by the brand. The store reflects the latest retail design concept of the brand. Other luxury brands with a mono-brand presence in Lima include Narciso Rodríguez, Carolina Herrera, Coach, Salvatore Ferragamo, Purificación García, Longchamp, Pierre Cardin and Hugo Boss.


据时尚商业快讯,从7月3日零点起,Chanel正式上调中国手袋价格,其中Le Boy中号售价从3.62万上调至4.18万,涨幅为5600元,19 Bag小号则从3.65万涨至4.01万,涨幅为3600元,去年售价就已突破5万的2.55小号手袋和CF中号手袋也进一步增加4600元至5.61万。

值得关注的是,Chanel是过去两年涨价幅度最高的奢侈品牌,业绩表现却连续两年跑输Louis Vuitton和爱马仕,有消费者直言Chanel现在的手袋价格已经超出了他们的心理预期,宁愿选择加价买爱马仕。

06|Chanel China's official price increase, CF medium sized handbag price approaching 60000 yuan

According to FashionNetwork news, from 0:00 on 3 July, Chanel officially raised the price of Chinese handbags. The price of Le boy medium increased from 36200 yuan to 41800 yuan, or 5600 yuan. The price of 19 bag small increased from 36500 yuan to 40100 yuan, or 3600 yuan. Last year, the price of 255 small handbags and CF medium handbags, which had exceeded 50000 yuan, also increased by 4600 yuan to 56100 yuan.

It is worth noting that Chanel is the luxury brand with the highest price increase rate in the past two years, but its performance is inferior to Louis Vuitton and Hermes for two consecutive years. Some consumers say that Chanel's handbag price has exceeded their psychological expectations and would rather buy Hermes at a higher price.

07|Ralph Lauren在东京银座开设为期一年的快闪概念店

美国设计师品牌Ralph Lauren位于日本东京银座、只开一年的全新快闪概念店于近日正式开业,除了发售服装产品外,还设有咖啡厅Ralph Cafe,将为消费者提供由La Colombe专门为Ralph Lauren定制的咖啡,以及T恤、帽子、手提包和马克杯等周边产品。据悉,Ralph Lauren是美国奥运会和残奥会团队的合作方之一,设计了东京奥运会美国队闭幕式游行制服和系列服装。

07|Ralph Lauren opens a one-year flash concept store in Ginza, Tokyo

Ralph Lauren, an American designer brand, is located in Ginza, Tokyo, Japan. Its new flash concept store, which has only been open for one year, has officially opened recently.

In addition to selling clothing products, Ralph Cafe, a coffee shop, will provide customers with coffee specially made for Ralph Lauren by La Colombe, as well as peripheral products such as T-shirts, hats, handbags and mugs. It is reported that Ralph Lauren is one of the partners of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic teams, who designed the uniform and series of costumes for the closing ceremony parade of the U.S. Olympic team in Tokyo.


据时尚商业快讯,Dior 2021秋冬高级订制系列于7月5日在巴黎的罗丹美术馆举办,这是疫情发生以来该品牌首次回归线下时装秀,除在全球各地进行同步直播外,现场也有业内人士到场观看。截至目前,Dior 2021秋冬高级订制系列时装秀在微博的直播观看量已突破1300万。

08|Dior holds the first offline fashion show after the epidemic

According to FashionNetwork news, Dior 2021 autumn and winter high-end customized series was held at Rodin Art Museum in Paris on 5 July.

This is the first time that the brand has returned to offline fashion show since the outbreak of the epidemic. In addition to synchronous live broadcast around the world, people in the industry also attended the show. So far, the live viewing volume of Dior 2021 autumn and winter haute couture show has exceeded 13 million.


Louis Vuitton男装创意总监Virgil Abloh创立的街头潮流品牌Off-White日前正式进军法国市场,在巴黎开设了首家旗舰店。

该店共有三层楼,室内设计由荷兰建筑工作室OMA负责,分别设有庭院、市场、画廊和舞台等不同场景,以凸显品牌多元化的一面。除发售全线产品外,Off-White还在店内开设了咖啡馆,与日本连锁咖啡品牌 %Arabica Kyoto共同经营。

09|Off-White opens its first flagship store in Paris

Off-White, founded by Virgil Abloh, creative director of Louis Vuitton men's wear, has officially entered the French market and opened its first flagship store in Paris. The store has a total of three floors, interior design by the Dutch architecture studio OMA, respectively, with courtyard, market, gallery and stage and other different scenes, in order to highlight the diversified side of the brand.

In addition to offering a full range of products, Off-White also opened a coffee shop in the store, operating jointly with %Arabica Kyoto, a Japanese chain coffee brand.

10|欧洲时尚品牌études和DFO 360在上海成立合资企业,拓展大中华区业务

欧洲时尚潮奢品牌études携手DFO International旗下DFO 360,即将在中国成立品牌合资企业。新合资公司études China总部设在上海,负责独家运营études品牌成衣和配饰系列,目标是扩大品牌在中国的市场占比、业务规模及资本投入。études目前在巴黎拥有强大的国际批发渠道、DTC电商平台和自营线下精品店。

10|European fashion brands études and DFO 360 set up a joint venture in Shanghai to expand business in Greater China

études, a European fashion luxury brand, will join hands with DFO 360 of DFO international to set up a brand joint venture in China. Headquartered in Shanghai, the new joint venture company, études China, is responsible for the exclusive operation of études brand clothing and accessories series.

Its goal is to expand the brand's market share, business scale and capital investment in China. At present, études has a strong international wholesale channel, DTC e-commerce platform and its own offline boutiques in Paris.




11|UNIQLO Osaka Xinzhai bridge flagship store will be closed due to the scarcity of tourists

The company announced that UNIQLO, its brand, which was located in Xinzhai bridge, Osaka, will close its first global flagship store on 1 August, affected by the reduction of Japanese tourists, which opened in October 2010, and is located in the middle of Xinzhai bridge, the place with the largest number of people and once one of the most popular shopping spots for Chinese tourists.

It is reported that the store will be integrated into the nearby sister brand GU store. Up to now, UNIQLO still has about 15 flagship stores around the world.


据时尚商业快讯,Chanel于7月6日早上在巴黎的加列拉宫举办了最新一季高级订制时装秀,分为两场,每场接待100位客人。值得关注的是,加列拉宫是全球六家最伟大的时尚博物馆之一,拥有逾7万件藏品,是Chanel创意总监Virginie Viard设计这一系列时的主要灵感来源。

12|Chanel returns to the offline to hold haute couture show

According to FashionNetwork news, Chanel held the latest season of haute couture show in Paris in the morning of 6 July, which is divided into two shows with 100 guests each. It is worth noting that the Palais Galliera is one of the six greatest fashion museums in the world, with more than 70000 collections. It is the main source of inspiration for Chanel's creative director Virginia Viard to design this series.



13|Lululemon introduces yoga mats and bags made of mushroom mycelium

Lululemon, a yoga clothing brand, recently released its first yoga accessories series made of new material Mylo, covering yoga mats and bags.

Yoga mats are not for sale, while two bags will go on sale in early 2022. Mylo is a kind of leather like material made of mycelium, which is similar to leather in appearance and handle. It is a renewable leather material with environmental protection characteristics.


据天眼查App显示,爱马仕(上海)贸易有限公司于近日成立了深圳第一分公司,法定代表人WEIMING CAO,经营范围含服装服饰批发、箱包销售、珠宝首饰批发、日用产品修理、市场营销策划和餐饮服务等。股东信息显示,该公司由爱马仕(上海)贸易有限公司全资持股。

14|Hermes set up a branch in Shenzhen

According to tianyan app, Hermes (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd. recently established the first branch of Shenzhen, with the legal representative WEIMING CAO, whose business scope includes wholesale of clothing, luggage and bags, wholesale of jewelry, daily product repair, marketing planning and catering services. Shareholder information shows that the company is wholly owned by Hermes (Shanghai) Trading Co., Ltd.



15|DOCUMENTS opened the first flagship store in Shanghai and released the series of creative fragrances.

The first flagship store of DOCUMENTS in China has opened in Shanghai recently, covering an area of 200 square meters. For this reason, the brand has released the first strong fragrance series "HUMAN no perfect person" and the fragrance series "HUMANMADE artificial products". The whole product is priced between 450 and 2250 yuan RMB, and is positioned as a young and high-end market.



16|BEAST and Mnner, a chain coffee shop, jointly sold out their accessory products in half a day

According to FashionNetwork new, BEAST and Manner, the most popular chain coffee shop in China, recently launched "panda puff" co-branded coffee and its accessory products, which will be put on the market in Manner's nationwide stores from 8 to 16 July.

Among them, the research and development of the co branded beverage is inspired by the Q fragrance of BEAST panda puff fragrance series, and the cup used by Mamner's nationwide stores will be upgraded to panda puff theme cup. Yesterday was the first day of the joint announcement, and the drinks and accessory products sold out rapidly in half a day.

17|资生堂旗下品牌 SHISEIDO 将在全球推出智能测肤服务

7月1日起,资生堂旗下美妆品牌SHISEIDO正式推出肌肤状态智能检测服务Beauty Alive Circulation Check。通过安装在显示屏上的热成像摄像机和皮肤问题解析摄像机,Beauty Alive Circulation Check可以在不接触皮肤的前提下,帮助用户完成肌肤检测。顾客只需在屏幕上输入年龄、肌肤困扰等个人信息,拍摄脸部照片后,即可获取由资生堂独家算法得出的肌肤表面和内部状态分析。

17|Shiseido, a brand of Shiseido, will launch intelligent skin measurement service in the world

From 1 July, Shiseido, a beauty brand of Shiseido, officially launched Beauty Alive Circulation Check, an intelligent skin condition detection service. Through the thermal imaging camera and skin problem resolution camera installed on the display screen, Beauty Alive Circulation Check can help users complete skin detection without touching the skin.

Customers only need to input personal information such as age and skin distress on the screen, and after taking face photos, they can obtain the analysis of skin surface and internal state obtained by Shiseido's exclusive algorithm.


Industrial New



01|The annual sales of CDF reached 46.8 billion yuan

Since 1 July 2020, CDF has adjusted the duty-free shopping policy on the outliers, increasing the annual duty-free shopping quota to 100,000 yuan per person and increasing the categories of goods to 45. According to customs statistics, the sales of duty-free goods in CDF has increased more than two times in the past year to 46.8 billion yuan, with cosmetics, watches and jewelry as the top three popularity.




02|McDonald's China to open more than 500 restaurants by 2021

McDonald's officially opened its 800th LEED certified green restaurant in China and the 4,000th in the mainland of China on 29th June.

The green growth power of McDonald's China include green restaurants, green supply chain, green packaging and green recycling. "McDonald's business in China is growing rapidly and will open more than 500 new restaurants this year," said Zhang Jiayin, CEO of McDonald's China.




03|LVMH plans to set up a global research centre focused on sustainable and digital luxury

LVMH has announced plans to open a global research centre in the Plains of Thackeray, a suburb south-west of Paris.

The center is expected to open in 2024-2025 and will bring together 300 staff and researchers dedicated to research in the field of sustainable and digital luxury.

04|GXG 618销售额同比大涨17%


04|GXG sales in 618 online shopping carnival surged 17% y-o-y

It is reported that the sa

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