免打孔厨房用品 简易瓶口夹子收纳架 调味瓶置物架调料整理架现货
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义乌市涂芳电子商务商行8年 所在地浙江省 金华市
采购咨询5.0 物流时效4.0 退换体验4.0 纠纷解决5.0 品质体验5.0 90天内100+件件成交
价格 3.48
起批量 满100减5券件起批
Clip N Store?厨房用品 简易瓶子收纳架 调味瓶置物架
Clip N Store attaches to any surface. They're perfect next to the stove so you can have quick access to spices while cooking. You can attach them to the refrigerator too or any unused spot that you can now use a lot. Each Clip N Store is detachable so you can customize them to fit any space and place. It's not just for spices. Use Clip N Store to organize prescription bottles so you can gain more space in your medicine cabinet. Finally, you can de-clutter your crafting supplies and tidy up your tool bench. Maximize your shelves space quickly and easily with Clip N Store.
Clip N Store storage clips can be installed within any cabinet. Ideally, they’ll stick to the back wall, but you can stick them anywhere, even on the door. They’ll also stick to virtually any flat surface, such as the area above your stove or the outside of your fridge. You can put spice bottles or other containers of a similar size and shape within them in order to save storage space. Each clip can be detached from the rack of clips it’s part of, so you can make each rack shorter or longer by adding or removing clips. Adding them will allow you to store more things in one place, but removing a few will make a rack fit in a tiny space.\r\n
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